We are a community of spiritual thinkers who are inspired by the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Based in Melbourne, Victoria but connected with groups all over Australia and the Globe, our aim is to grow and practice the ideas illustrated by Swedenborg from his exposition of the Bible. Click here to know more about Swedenborg.


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As in heaven so upon the earth

By David Moffat on Mon Mar 28 2022

Looking at the Lord’s Prayer, recorded in both the gospels of Matthew and Luke, we took the phrase, “As in heaven, so upon the earth” and drew an important principle: What rules us is what rules within us This service took place at the Bucknall Family Church, in Rodborough, Victoria, on the occasion of the […]

The Three Mental Modes or Gunas

By Rohan Pereira on Sat Mar 19 2022

I came across an interesting topic in Hinduism recently that helped me better understand Swedenborg’s account of spiritual influxes that govern our lives. The topic is the observance of the ‘Gunas’ i.e. the predominant qualities that dominates one’s mind at any given time. As we go about our daily lives; be it listening to music, hanging out with our friends, watching […]

To worship You as I ought

By David Moffat on Mon Jan 10 2022

The first in our new series, Christians Behaving Badly: How we get religion wrong, and what we need to do about it. What constitutes “true worship”? When is it OK to break religious and ceremonial law? Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas (1 Sam 2, 3:11-14, 4:11) But this is NOT AN ISOLATED INCIDENT! Samuel’s sons […]

Deborah’s Tree, with Rev Ros Taylor

By David Moffat on Fri Jan 07 2022

Today we enjoyed a talk by Rev Ros Taylor in the US about her work with Deborah’s Tree, promoting the work of women in leadership, scholarship and the arts in Swedenborgian religious settings. Go to https://www.deborahstree.org for further information, and search Deborah’s Tree on social media.

Contradictions in the Bible

By David Moffat on Sun Jul 18 2021

Is it true that, “… a perfect and omnipotent God could, should, and would see to it that such problems did not exist in a book which s/he had inspired.” (https://infidels.org/library/modern/donald_morgan/contradictions.html)? And what is the contradiction inherent in adhering to the theory of evolution?   We explore five ways to understand and reconcile Biblical Contradictions: […]


By David Moffat on Wed Jun 23 2021

I referred to Michael Syed’s book, Bounce: the myth of talent and the power of practice. It’s well worth a read. I also mentioned a video from Richard Rohr – Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps. Find it at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8o6_IqKdy8 Today’s reading: 2 Kings chapter 6 And from Emanuel Swedenborg: “Thinking from the […]

Why am I here? The paradox of Involvement

By David Moffat on Tue Apr 20 2021

Why would you get involved in a group such as a church? There are many reasons: the theology, the style of worship, they’re nice people, to meet like-minded others, social connection, for what you can get out of it, for personal or spiritual support, or perhaps it becomes a means to contribute to a broader […]

Experiencing Paradox

By David Moffat on Wed Jan 27 2021

Can you experience and understand paradox? Paradox is defined as, ‘A statement or proposition seemingly self-contradictory or absurd, and yet explicable as expressing a truth.’ (Webster’s Dictionary) Examples include: “Less is more” “The most corrected copies are commonly the least correct” (Francis Bacon) In the book, Paradoxes of Group Life, Smith & Berg write: “Circles. […]

Is Religion An Irrational Optimism?

By David Moffat on Wed Dec 09 2020

Is religion, like sports psychology, an irrational optimism which seeks to banish the skepticism that is so useful to science? “This chapter is about the psychology of performance. We will dig down into the minds of top sportsmen and explore the relationship between mind and body under pressure. And we will arrive at the paradoxical […]

The greatest must serve

By David Moffat on Sun Jul 19 2020

SwedenborgCommunityVictoria · The Greatest Must Serve The principle that those who wish to be greatest must serve is found in each of the four gospels, but each time it is expressed in different ways and in different contexts. What can we learn from military leadership, and the young teacher? Recorded on Sunday 19th July 2020. […]