We are a community of spiritual thinkers who are inspired by the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Based in Melbourne, Victoria but connected with groups all over Australia and the Globe, our aim is to grow and practice the ideas illustrated by Swedenborg from his exposition of the Bible. Click here to know more about Swedenborg.


category: Uncategorized

Zechariah: The Minor Prophets

By David Moffat on Sun Nov 27 2022

Zechariah – means, lit. “Jehovah remembers” Date of writing, see Zechariah 1:1 – “In the eighth month of the second year of Darius, the word of the Lord came to Zechariah the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the prophet …” Zechariah is one of the longest of the Minor Prophets – 14 chapters […]

Haggai: The Minor Prophets

By David Moffat on Mon Oct 17 2022

Perhaps the most relevant of the minor prophets to us, here and now. Haggai speaks directly to our own experience today, we can easily see parallels between the circumstances Haggai addresses and our own. We set Haggai in time with the help of the books of Daniel and Ezra, telling the story of the Babylonian […]

Charity: How to Think Spiritually, Part 5

By David Moffat on Mon Oct 03 2022

The final part of our series: How to think spiritually, or thinking like an angel. “For all Divine influx from heaven passes into the good that exists with a person, and through that good into the truths there. … the Word is the means by which heaven is joined to the Church, or the angels […]

Zephaniah: The Minor Prophets

By David Moffat on Mon Sep 26 2022

“The word of the Lord which came to Zephaniah the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hezekiah, in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah.” (Zephaniah 1:1) Zephaniah – means “Yahweh has hidden” or “Yahweh has treasured” WHAT IS HIDDEN AWAY IS THE […]

Observations on the Development of Personality

By Rohan Pereira on Mon Jul 18 2022

I always feel that one of the most under-rated benefits of pursuing spiritual growth is our ability to see through the layers of a seemingly ordinary television program and relate it with life and spirituality in general. I came across one such documentary from the Smithsonian Channel the other day about a troop of Baboons that live […]

The Nature of the Self

By David Moffat on Mon May 02 2022

We welcomed David Millar, Director of Spiritual Training, at the Australian New Church College, based in Adelaide. Recorded on Friday 29 April 2022

Earning our salvation: Christians behaving badly

By David Moffat on Mon Apr 04 2022

Do we earn our salvation? Or do we do nothing at all? These are two positions we tend to fall into, yet the truth is somewhere in between. Reading Exodus chapter 30, verses 11-16, the temple tax, or ransom money. “Wherever a Church exists, heresies arise in it as a consequence of people basing their thinking […]