We are a community of spiritual thinkers who are inspired by the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Based in Melbourne, Victoria but connected with groups all over Australia and the Globe, our aim is to grow and practice the ideas illustrated by Swedenborg from his exposition of the Bible. Click here to know more about Swedenborg.


category: Uncategorized

See the world differently! Blessed are the pure in heart

By David Moffat on Fri Sep 06 2024

Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8) Revisiting the series so far …  The first four: the poor in spirit those who mourn the meek those who hunger and thirst for righteousness Expressed as negatives, lacking something An inner acknowledgement that, of myself, I possess nothing of Truth or […]

Meeting Crisis: the importance of temptation

By David Moffat on Thu Aug 29 2024

At the end of Revelation, in the closing chapter of the Bible, we discover that evil has NOT been destroyed! “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually […]

Blessed are the meek

By David Moffat on Tue May 07 2024

The story so far …  We often use “Blessings” to describe external states or end results (of wealth, happiness, prosperity etc.), but it must refer to internal states as the source of those externals, the Lord is working with the path that takes us there. To be “poor in spirit”, I realise I am without […]

Why are there separate heavens?

By David Moffat on Mon Dec 04 2023

Responding to the Question: “Separate heaven in 2 kingdoms and 3 levels? Really? Why is that? Just one heaven and everybody there you can have access, and all the places, some places in heaven are better than others and some people are more enlightened than others, but you don’t need to have 3 heavens. What […]

Turning off the Algorithm – Escape the Echo Chamber

By David Moffat on Tue Oct 17 2023

Algorithm [noun]: a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer. On YouTube: I watch the Fully Charged Show [Electric Cars] – your own viewing habits becomes the INPUT The OUTPUT is more material of a similar nature [More electric cars] THE AIM? To keep […]

The work of angels – Swedenborg to Rudolf Steiner

By Rohan Pereira on Sun Jul 30 2023

We know from Swedenborg’s writings that we are in constant communication with angelic beings. Unknown to us, an angelic influx of some sort subtly flows into our hearts and minds. Swedenborg states that angels are tasked with helping us overcome our evil affections. He writes that these guardian angels know “nothing more delightful and happy […]

Gurdjieff – The Work

By David Moffat on Sat Jul 29 2023

In the early 20th Century, Georges Ivanovich Gurdjieff (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Gurdjieff) brought an ancient spiritual system to the western world known as ‘the Work’. He claimed that, along with all mystical and religious traditions, the Work’s primary objective was to help people develop a ‘Soul’. According to Gurdjieff, we are born only with the potential for a Soul, it is […]


By David Moffat on Mon Jul 24 2023

Sardis was situated in the middle of Hermus River Valley (Gediz River), about 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) south of the river. Its citadel was built on Mount Tmolus, a steep and lofty spur, while a lower town extended to the area of the Pactolus stream. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sardis) In the seventh century BC, Sardis became the capital […]

The Hajj (Pilgrimage)

By David Moffat on Sat Jul 01 2023

We welcome Mr Mohamed Mohideen, who highlights some of the key teachings of Islam, and shares the meaning and significance of the Hajj (Pilgrimage) to Muslims. Mohamed is Deputy Chair of the Faith Communities Council of Victoria, former Chairperson of the Monash Interfaith Gathering and is on Monash City Council’s Multicultural Advisory Committee. He is […]

My God is the God of Swedenborg

By David Moffat on Mon Dec 05 2022

This is a very personal one for me, answering the question, Why do I believe what Swedenborg wrote? Much of what Swedenborg has written has subsequently been verified by others, Near Death Experiences being one such example. But as I have thought about it further, the most compelling reason to believe Swedenborg is the God […]