We are a community of spiritual thinkers who are inspired by the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Based in Melbourne, Victoria but connected with groups all over Australia and the Globe, our aim is to grow and practice the ideas illustrated by Swedenborg from his exposition of the Bible. Click here to know more about Swedenborg.


Author: Rohan Pereira

The work of angels – Swedenborg to Rudolf Steiner

We know from Swedenborg’s writings that we are in constant communication with angelic beings. Unknown to us, an angelic influx of some sort subtly flows into our hearts and minds. Swedenborg states that angels are tasked with helping us overcome our evil affections. He writes that these guardian angels know “nothing more delightful and happy […]

Observations on the Development of Personality

By Rohan Pereira on Mon Jul 18 2022

I always feel that one of the most under-rated benefits of pursuing spiritual growth is our ability to see through the layers of a seemingly ordinary television program and relate it with life and spirituality in general. I came across one such documentary from the Smithsonian Channel the other day about a troop of Baboons that live […]

The Three Mental Modes or Gunas

By Rohan Pereira on Sat Mar 19 2022

I came across an interesting topic in Hinduism recently that helped me better understand Swedenborg’s account of spiritual influxes that govern our lives. The topic is the observance of the ‘Gunas’ i.e. the predominant qualities that dominates one’s mind at any given time. As we go about our daily lives; be it listening to music, hanging out with our friends, watching […]

Heaven and Hell – Chapter 2 – Summary Notes

By Rohan Pereira on Sun May 23 2021

Click here to view notes and audio for other chapters Audio/Video reading of chapter 2 Description In this chapter, Swedenborg describes the essence of heaven and how one attains it. Summary Notes On Earth, Christians see heaven as a place where good people are gathered after death People believe that those who are inherently good […]

Heaven and Hell – Chapter 1 – Summary Notes

By Rohan Pereira on Sun May 23 2021

Click here to view notes and audio for other chapters Audio/Video reading of chapter 1 Description In this chapter, Swedenborg describes the discrepancy between who God is and how people, Christian and non-Christian alike, as well as spirits perceive of Him. Summary Notes On Earth, Christians are able to speak of three Gods (Father, Son […]

Our essential beliefs explained in greater detail

By Rohan Pereira on Sun Mar 03 2019

God is the sole Creative Divine Being who is loving, all-powerful, never angry and never gives up on us. We recognise Jesus Christ as the expression of God in human form, in whom is a trinity of three essentials ~ inmost soul or ‘The Father’; the visible presence or ‘The Son’; and the creative power […]

Who is Emanuel Swedenborg?

By Rohan Pereira on Sun Mar 03 2019

The spiritual writings of Emanuel Swedenborg provide a magnificent trove of insights into: the purpose of our existence in this material world; how God, the Divine Creator, constantly watches over everyone’s life gently guiding us to carry out useful actions; an inner meaning within the literal text of the Bible offering clues for our eternal […]