Meeting Crisis: the importance of temptation

At the end of Revelation, in the closing chapter of the Bible, we discover that evil has NOT been destroyed!

“Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practises a lie.” (Revelation 22:14,15)

Why, after the previous 20 chapters, are these evils still here?

“… evils are not separated and cast out from a person, but are only removed and relegated to the outskirts, and when they are there, and good is at the centre, the evils do not appear …” (Divine Providence, 283)

You will never be perfect, even as an angel:

“… it is the Divine of the Lord that makes heaven, and not the angels from anything of their proprium.” (Heaven and Hell, 8)


“the distress and anxiety caused by things that clash with a person’s loves.” (Heavenly Secrets, 847, section 2)

Natural temptations …

“… are not temptations at all but merely anxious cares resulting from attacks on people’s natural loves caused by misfortune, sickness, and abnormal condition of the blood and fluids in the body.” (Heavenly Secrets, 847, section 2)

… but help us understand what’s going on. … can also help us learn necessary skills (self-compulsion) to deal with the spiritual temptations.

“Celestial temptations can exist only with people who are moved by love to the Lord; spiritual temptations only with those who are moved by charity towards the neighbour; …” (Heavenly Secrets, 847, section 2)

Temptation is a necessary part of spiritual growth:

“They who have not been instructed about a person’s regeneration suppose that anyone can be regenerated without temptation; and some that a single temptation is sufficient. But be it known that without temptation no one is regenerated, and that many temptations follow on, one after another. The reason is that regeneration takes place to the end that the life of the old man may die, and the new heavenly life be insinuated, which shows that there must needs be a fight, for the life of the old man resists, and is not willing to be extinguished, and the life of the new man cannot enter except where the life of the old man has been extinguished. Hence it is evident that there is a fight on both sides, and this fight is a fiery one, because it is for life.” (Heavenly Secrets, 8403, section 2)

Recorded on Sunday 25 August 2024