Turning off the Algorithm – Escape the Echo Chamber

Algorithm [noun]: a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.

On YouTube:

  • I watch the Fully Charged Show [Electric Cars] – your own viewing habits becomes the INPUT
  • The OUTPUT is more material of a similar nature [More electric cars]
  • THE AIM? To keep you watching, scrolling, engaged.
  • SIDE EFFECT: The “Echo Chamber” – my own interests and opinions are constantly fed back to me, and thus confirmed.

Interestingly, we ALL know this. We know we are all influenced by it. BUT I’M NOT. It becomes a means by which I explain your attitudes and beliefs, rather than alerting me to something I am susceptible to myself – REINFORCES THE EFFECT. Similarly, terms such as “Confirmation Bias”, “Cognitive Dissonance”.

WHY IS THAT? Because we don’t need social media to be caught in an echo chamber. We all have our own personal model, BUILT IN!

I don’t see the world as it is … I see the world as I am.

THE QUESTION is, HOW DO I see the world AS IT IS, rather than as I am programmed to see it?

In TRUE CHRISTIANITY, Swedenborg makes comment about the spiritual nature of a number of nations and groups:

“The Dutch are more firmly attached than other peoples to their religious principles, and are not to be moved from them. Even if it is proved to them that this or that point is inconsistent, still they do not accept it, but turn back and remain unmoved.” (paragraph 802)

“[British] minds exhibit such similarity that they form close friendships with their compatriots, but rarely with others. They also help one another, and like sincerity. They are patriotic and jealous of their country’s honour.” (paragraph 808)

“… any of them who had led a life of charity, and more so those who had loved truth because it is true, allow themselves to be taught in the spiritual world, and accept the teachings of the new church.” (paragraph 799)

“None … can see whether a teaching of their Church is true except those who have an affection for truth for the sake of useful services in life. Those who have this end in view are enlightened by the Lord constantly, … not only while they live in the world but also afterwards. They alone are the ones who are able to receive truth, for the Lord leads them by means of good, and through that good He enables them to see truth and so believe it.” (Heavenly Secrets, paragraph 8521, section 3)

So, HOW DO you see the world AS IT IS, rather than as you are programmed to see it?

3. Practise self examination, self awareness … rather than other awareness

“And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3)

2. Hold to your beliefs – they provide a grounding, an anchor – BUT HOLD THEM LIGHTLY.

“… no truths with a person, nor even with an angel, are ever pure, that is, free of appearances. Every single one is an appearance of the truth, but appearances are nevertheless accepted by the Lord as truths if they hold good within them. To the Lord alone do pure truths, being Divine truths, belong – for as the Lord is Good itself, so is He Truth itself.” (Heavenly Secrets, paragraph 3207, section 3)

1. Operate – and view others – from good, assume the best rather than the worst

“Because love to the Lord and mutual love resides with angels, so also does all truth and thus all wisdom and intelligence, not only in celestial and spiritual things but also in rational and natural. For by virtue of love, it being from the Lord, they are in touch with the very beginnings or sources of things, that is, with ends in view and causes.” (Heavenly Secrets, paragraph 2572, section 3)

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Recorded on Sunday 15 October 2023