The Hajj (Pilgrimage)

We welcome Mr Mohamed Mohideen, who highlights some of the key teachings of Islam, and shares the meaning and significance of the Hajj (Pilgrimage) to Muslims.

Mohamed is Deputy Chair of the Faith Communities Council of Victoria, former Chairperson of the Monash Interfaith Gathering and is on Monash City Council’s Multicultural Advisory Committee. He is Vice President of the Islamic Council of Victoria and its immediate Past President, and former President of the United Sri Lankan Muslim Association of Australia. Monash City Council awarded Mohamed the 2015 Sir John Monash Multicultural Champion and the 2018 Sir John Monash Volunteer of the Year. He received the 2016 Victorian Premier’s Volunteer Champion Award for Leadership.

A microbiologist by profession, Mohamed was Head of Priority Communities and Engagement, COVID-19 Vaccination Response at the Department of Health from March 2021 to June 2022. He is interested in multifaith and multicultural communities and working with community to address mental health, refugee rights and interaction between multicultural and Indigenous communities. He is a strong advocate against family violence and was appointed a White Ribbon Ambassador in 2016.

Recorded on Friday 30 June 2023.