The Love that Rules the Universe

From True Christian Religion:

“There are two things which make up the essence of God – love and wisdom; …, as I have shown above, love and wisdom are one in God. It is love which wills these things, wisdom that puts them into effect.” (43.)

“Since the making of the world God is non-spatially in space and non-temporally in time, …” (30)

“Every created object is finite, and the infinite is contained in finite objects as in receivers, and human beings as images of it.” (33)

“There are two things which make up the essence of God – love and wisdom; but there are three which make up the essence of His love – loving others than oneself, wishing to be one with them, and devoting oneself to their happiness.” (43)

“The properties of the Divine Love were the reason the universe was created, and are the reason it is preserved in existence.” (46)

“… So far as a man lives under Divine guidance, that is, allows himself to be led by God, so far does he become, more and more inwardly, an image of God.” (20)

“… a human being is an organ capable of receiving God, and … its capability as an organ depends upon its capacity to receive. … The divine influence does not penetrate further than the extent to which a person clears the way or opens the door.” (34)

Discover the meaning of Love. Discover Swedenborg.

Recorded on Sunday 15 January 2023.