Our study program of Swedenborg Theology


Friends, do you believe in souls? If you believe, do you want to know where the soul is going behind us, and why?


Do you believe that man was created for heaven? If you know, can you tell me why? If not, do you want to know?


Christians believe that the Bible is the word of God. What is the reason for this? How will this apocalyptic truth illuminate our heart if God wants to reveal the truth of heaven and eternal life to people?


About 250 years ago, the Swedish scientist and theologian, Emanuel Swedenborg, at the call of God, spent 27 years in the spiritual world and wrote dozens of books (18 published during his lifetime and 39 afterwards based on his manuscripts) to report his spiritual insights and explain the spiritual meaning of the Bible. I began to read Swedenborg’s writings nine years ago, and the more I read, the more I enjoyed them, often feeling enlightened when I reached some chapters. For there are many answers I have been seeking and convincing explanations of many spiritual phenomena.


Swedenborg’s message was by no means heresy, saying that he had changed the contents of the Bible. Rather, he had filled the Bible with spiritual explanations that were incomprehensible solely through the meaning of the literal words. Through his explanation, Bible is filled with full of vivid details which helps people deepen their understanding of the Bible. I read the Bible for many years and more than a dozen times, but after reading the Book of the Swedenborg, I understood what was going on in the Bible and why it was the apocalypse of God. The image of God and the love of His great benevolence, great wisdom has become concrete.


Materialism is so harmful that it is too difficult to open the spirituality of those who have been taught materialism since childhood. We have all been exposed to the Bible before, but one of the reasons many people scoff at it is that materialistic thinking closes the spiritual eyes of man and makes a huge gulf between it and our spiritual basis, and the gulf between us is too difficult to fill. The eternal life described by Swedenborg is well-reasoned, clear and understandable, and not only comprehensible, but also desirable. It is beneficial for us to get rid of the hold of materialism, to receive the holy Word of revelation spiritually, and to enter this channel connecting heaven and man.


There are many obstacles to the search for eternal truth. But there are two broad categories. For those who do not believe in the afterlife, there is not only the greed for the world, but also the stereotype of materialism, all kinds of ideological theories leading people to pursue success and brilliance, and so on. For those who believe in the afterlife, the habit of echoing the views of others, the inertia of unwillingness to delve deeply into truth, the imprison of traditional doctrine, and the persistence of bigotry etc, cannot be absolved from the blame.  

海伦·凯勒美国著名女作家、教育家、慈善家、社会活动家。幼年因病成为集盲、聋、哑三种痛苦于一身的残疾人。她说: 瑞登堡的著作给了我一把开启圣经宝藏的金钥匙,也提升了我对内在生命的渴望,以享受更健全、更完整、更鲜明的知觉和意识。瑞登堡的思想如同我眼中的光明、我手中的拄杖,他美妙的洞见伴随我一路前行。

Helen Keller is a famous American writer, educator, philanthropist and social activist. In her childhood because of illness she became disabled suffering blind, deaf, dumb three kinds of pain in one. She said: the work of Swedenborg has given me a golden key to open up the treasure of the Bible and raised my desire for inner life to enjoy a more sound, more complete, more vivid sense and consciousness. The ideas of Swedenborg were like the light in my eyes, the stick in my hand, his wonderful insight goes along with me.


Michelangelo saw an angel in the stone and carved it with a sharp blade until the angel was carved. But Sweden borg saw the true heaven with his spiritual eyes, and with the word of apocalypse he carved out the love and grace that God had given to his children in their stone-like heart.

我们从2018年初开始,通过网上学习的方式,探讨这关乎我们生命归宿的道理。至今已经四年了,我们学习了《天堂与地狱》、《试探》、《重生》、《圣经的字义与灵义》、《新耶路撒冷及其属天教义》、《离散层级》、《十诫》、《圣治》。目前我们正在学习《真实的基督教》。如果你有兴趣且方便的话,衷心的欢迎你参加我们的网上学习(微信联系:Liu_guang_bin, 电子邮箱:[email protected])。

From early 20118,  an online study we began to explore this truth about life. It has been four years now and we have studied Heaven and Hell, Temptation, Regeneration, The Spiritual Meaning of the Bible, New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine, Discrete Degree, The Ten Commandments, and Divine Providence. We are currently studying True Christianity. If you are interested and convenient, you are heartily welcome to join our online study (WeChat contact: Liu_guang_bin, email: [email protected]).



In addition, we have recorded audio and audio-video readings of some of Swedenborg’s writings. All of our study recordings, as well as audio and video, are available at the following URLs.

Big Truth Lecture Room: dadaoclassroom.com