Looking at a story found in Mark chapter 10:32-45 (also Matthew chapter 20)

Chapter 10 – Events and teachings – which the Disciples consistently misunderstand (consistent in Mark’s account):

The Pharisees question Jesus about divorce

  • (disciples don’t understand, and question Jesus)

Disciples rebuke those bringing little children

  • (Jesus welcomes them)

The rich young ruler

  • (disciples are astonished)
  • (Peter questions Jesus – “we have given up everything”)

Going towards Jerusalem

  • (why are the disciples afraid?)
  • Jesus [again] predicts his arrest
  • (James and John’s request; the other disciples aren’t happy)
  • Version in Matthew 19 – the 12 disciples are promised thrones! In response to Peter’s comments following the rich young ruler (Mark 10:28 = Matthew 19:27,28)

Parallels with chapter 9

  • (Begins with the transfiguration)
  • The journey to Jerusalem – which the disciples don’t understand in chapter 9 but they seem to have caught on in chapter 10 (see fear in verse 32)
  • Questions about greatness in the kingdom
  • The lesson and place of children
  • THREAD RUNNING THROUGH – Being first and last – 9:35, 10:31, and 10:43-45:

“… whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:43-45)

Things to note about Jesus’ answer:

“Grant us that we may sit, one on Your right hand and the other on Your left, in Your glory.” …

“You will indeed drink the cup that I drink, and with the baptism I am baptized with you will be baptized; but to sit on My right hand and on My left is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it is prepared.” (Mark 10:37, 39, 40 – Matthew 20:20)

The baptism they are to receive (v. 38,39)?

  • John is regarded as the one disciple who was not executed for his faith. So, how can Jesus say this? Perhaps it has nothing to do with execution, as has been commonly believed, rather it speaks to the witness they perform.
  • Worth remembering, this word, “baptism” speaks of a transformation to take place.

And WHY isn’t this Jesus’ to give (v. 40)? (see Matthew 20:23 – said to be “prepared [by my Father]”)

“Ruling” as abstracted from person – on Revelation 5 – song of 4 living creatures and 24 elders:

“You are worthy to take the scroll,
And to open its seals;
For You were slain,
And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
And have made us kings and priests to our God;
And we shall reign on the earth.” (Revelation 5:9,10)

Apocalypse Explained 333 –  [on Revelation 5:10]…

  • … in the spiritual sense “kings” mean truths, and “priests” goods, abstractly from persons, that is, the truths and goods that are in persons from the Lord; from which it follows that it is truths from good that are to reign, thus the Lord alone from whom these are. The angels, indeed, are in great power, but not one of them from himself; yea, if anyone in heaven believes that he has power from himself he is instantly deprived of it, and then becomes wholly powerless. It is said in the sense of the letter that these are to reign, because the sense of the letter is personal; … but in the spiritual sense everything of person is put off, and thus everything of dominion belonging to person, and dominion is left to the Lord alone.

No person reigns over any others, in heavenly order.

  • A person may occupy a position of power,
  • yet only from the principles of goodness and truth within them,
  • and only then from those principles which come from the Lord.

So, FOR WHOM have those places – on the right and left of Jesus – been prepared?

  • Even in the world, nepotism doesn’t work.
    • Any job ought to be filled by the person who is best qualified.
  • They are for those who have those principles of goodness and truth within.
  • Even if we don’t qualify for that role, this is a relevant issue for all of us.

The two laws – attraction, and influx – don’t actually provide for this change to take place, they only confirm and reinforce my present state.

Equilibrium – the third law

… every single thing – celestial, spiritual, or natural – is balanced in such a way that nobody is able to think, feel, or act in isolation from the many, though each one supposes that he does so independently and in absolute freedom. Nothing in like manner ever exists that is not counter-balanced by its opposite, and things that are opposite by those that are intermediate. As a result the individual by himself, and the many collectively, live in a most perfect equilibrium.  Consequently no evil can befall anyone without being instantly counter-balanced. And when there is a preponderance of evil, evil – that is, the evil-doer – is in that case corrected by the law of equilibrium as if of himself; but this never takes place except to the end that good may result. Such is the form, and therefore the equilibrium in which heavenly order consists, an order formed, arranged, and preserved for ever by the Lord alone. (Heavenly Secrets, 689)

We experience this equilibrium every day, especially in a natural ways:

  • Do I HAVE to do my exercises this morning?
  • CAN’T I eat this piece of cake?
  • Hearing others speak, we think of opposite points of view.

PRESENTS A CHOICE – What principle will I confirm in my life? What will I reject?

Note what it says here – it is, “an order formed, arranged, and preserved for ever by the Lord alone.”

  • This is how the place is prepared for us, and we are prepared for the place.
  • The Lord provides the circumstances, the balance, within which principles of goodness and truth may be planted, nurtured, and grown within us.