The story so far … 

We often use “Blessings” to describe external states or end results (of wealth, happiness, prosperity etc.), but it must refer to internal states as the source of those externals, the Lord is working with the path that takes us there.

  • To be “poor in spirit”, I realise I am without merit  – I don’t deserve heaven – yet, this becomes the path by which I receive what I do not deserve
  • To “mourn”, I see my own state of spiritual death – I lack good – yet gthis becomes the path by which I receive comfort

Today …

“Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5)

Jesus is quoting Psalm 37:11:

“But the meek shall inherit the earth, And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.”

EARTH – erets: earth, land

The same word used in the promise to both Abraham and Jacob:

Then He said to him, “I am the Lord, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit it.” (Genesis 15:7)

“… That you may inherit the land in which you are a stranger, which God gave to Abraham.” (Genesis 28:4)

The difference between “the land” [a specific place] and the “Earth” [the whole planet] is whether it has been specified as “land of Canaan” or not. (

Although it is not specified in either case here, merely implied.

Haven’t these verses caused so much death and destruction and misery in our world?! Is that what is REALLY intended?

So, we look to a SPIRITUAL understanding of these words.

Note “earth”‘s tie to heaven (215 verses contain “heaven” and “earth”):

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

A pairing of the first and third beatitude (“the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew  5:3)

But, contrast this with – “The Lord lifts up the humble; He casts the wicked down to the ground (erets).” (Psalm 147:6)

How do we understand all this?

  • There is an INTERNAL and an EXTERNAL
  • A “true natural” which corresponds to the heavenly state,
  • and a “false or mere natural”, which is devoid of any heavenly correspondence and connection
  • Swedenborg often refers to the “earth” as meaning the church, by which he means the heavenly state experienced in the natural world, rather than any organisation.


Psalm 37:11 – contrasts with “the evil doers shall be cut off” (v.9), “the meek shall inherit the earth”

How is “meek” – or “humble” – different from “poor in spirit”?

“To be meek towards others implies freedom from malice and vengeful spirit. Jesus best exemplifies it (11:29; 21:5). we may acknowledge our own bankruptcy (verse 3) and mourn (verse 4). But to respond with meekness when others tell us of our bankruptcy is far harder. Meekness therefore requires such a true view about ourselves as will express itself even in our attitude towards others.” (Expositor’s Bible Commentary, volume 8, page 133)

We see it in Moses:

“Now the man Moses was very humble, more than all men who were on the face of the earth.” (Numbers 12:3 – yet he does not enter the land! Because of his presumption – see Numbers 20:12; Deut 32:48-52)

We often think of meekness as shrinking from conflict or the responsibility to speak truth.

  • There’s the old joke, “The meek shall inherit the earth … if that’s alright with you.”
  • We might think that having a meek population makes people easy to govern and control.

But this is not the meekness we are talking about here.

  • * It is to have a true understanding of one’s own failings, and our dependence upon God, for anything good
  • * such that we see things as they truly are,
  • * but from a position of strength to practise firm gentleness in our dealings with others.
  • * Only in positions of responsibility have I realised its importance as a quality of leadership.

Facing others’ poor opinion of you – Inwardly and outwardly?

  • * Not to take exception to others when we find ourselves challenged or contradicted.
  • * Not to take personal affront, or lash out in anger.
  • * Nevertheless to speak the truth as it truly is, free from the sense of ego that so often clouds our judgement.

Recorded on Sunday 5 May 2024