Everything you need to know

Based upon Swedenborg’s fifth chapter of True Christian Religion, “The Catechism or The Ten Commandments explained in both the external and the internal senses”

Catechism means,

  • “to instruct, teach by word of mouth”
  • “a summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for religious instruction.”

Compare this with what Swedenborg writes:

“The Ten Commandments, [is] in short compass a summary of the whole of religion, making a link between God and man and man and God …” (paragraph 283)

“The Ten Commandments contain everything to do with love for God and everything to do with love towards the neighbour.” (paragraph 329)

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! Demonstrates a very different perspective than that found in many Christian churches: it is not about your LEARNING, it is about your PRACTICE. Like the Catholic Catechism, these principles are to be memorised, but the point of them is not to have the answer ready when someone asks you the question, the point is that you do them.

“Eight of the Ten Commandments contain no mention of love for God and love towards the neighbour. They do not tell us that God is to be loved, nor that God‘s name is to be kept holy, nor that the neighbour is to be loved, nor that he should be treated honestly and uprightly; … In general, they prescribe that evil is not to be willed, thought or done, either against God or against the neighbour. The reason why we are not commanded to do what is directly the work of love, and charity, but only to avoid doing their opposites, is that in so far as a person shuns evils as sins, so far does he will the good actions of love and charity.” (paragraph 329)

Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy (301-304)

Explains meaning for the Jews:

“In the natural or literal sense this means that six days are for man and his work, and the seventh is for the Lord, and for Him to give man rest. Sabbath in the language of the original means rest. Among the Children of Israel the Sabbath was the holiest of observances, because it represented the Lord. The six days represented the Lord’s toils and battles against the hells, the seventh His victory over them, and so rest. Since that day represented the completion of the Lord’s whole act of redemption, it was for that reason the height of holiness.” (301)

Looked towards the coming of the Lord. But it continues:

“When, however, the Lord came into the world, so that representations of Him ceased, that day became a day for instruction in Divine matters, and also a day of rest from work, for meditation about matters conducive to salvation and everlasting life, and a day for love towards the neighbour.” (301)

See what Hebrews chapter 10 says about, “the law, having a shadow of the good things to come.”

“In the spiritual sense this commandment means man’s reformation and regeneration by the Lord.” (302)

“In the celestial sense this commandment means being linked with the Lord, leading to peace as the result of protection from hell.” (303)

It is time to recognise the BREADTH and SCOPE of the commandments. Like the rich young ruler, we tend towards a LIMITED, NARROW and very EXTERNAL application. But it’s not enough.

The Ten Commandments are EVERYTHING WE NEED TO KNOW.