The Holy Spirit and the Way God Works

Don’t make THIS mistake …

“I must now also discuss the Divine Trinity, a subject familiar to Christian people, yet, actually one they know nothing about. … From (a correct idea of God) hangs the whole body of theology, like a chain from its anchor point.” (True Christian Religion, paragraph 163)

If you misunderstand God, the ramifications are enormous!

“… the Holy Spirit is not God in His own right, but when mentioned in the Word means the Divine activity which proceeds from the one omnipresent God.” (138)


“All things done by man flow out from the interiors belonging to his mind, which is the all in everything a man does, … the body (being) a mere obedience through which is exhibited, in a form visible before the eye, that which the mind wills and thinks.” (Apocalypse Explained, paragraph 98)

GET YOUR PICTURE OF GOD RIGHT!! Much of the traditional Christian message hangs on the notion of a God:

Who is hostile towards his children – CONTRARY TO THE NATURE OF LOVE

Who must in some way be placated in order for us to enter heaven, and COULD BE placated by an external, physical act – CONTRARY TO INFLUX

The traditional idea of the redemption taking place by means of the passion of the cross is based upon a corrupted idea of the sacrificial system! Nothing the Lord did on earth could have any influence upon God the Father, that would be contrary to order, contrary to the nature of God.

YOU CAN BE ASSURED, His endeavour is our regeneration. What the Lord worked to achieve in his life on earth – AS AN EXPRESSION OF HIS LOVE – He also strives to fulfil in your life here and now, in the life of every one of his children. Having established the universal possibility of our rescue from hell, he works with each one of us individually to bring that about.

“The Divine power and activity meant by the Holy Spirit are, generally speaking, reformation and regeneration, which lead to renewal, quickening, sanctification and justification; and these lead to purification from evils and the forgiveness of sins, and ultimately to salvation.” (142)

“Now since the Lord is Divine truth itself coming from the Divine good, and this is His essence, and since everyone acts as he does by reason of his essential nature, this proves that it is constantly the Lord’s will to implant truth and good, that is, faith and charity, in every person, and His will could not be any different.” (145)

GOD HIMSELF IS NOT OUR ENEMY – NOR HAS HE EVER BEEN! We are OUR OWN worst enemies. While that may seem counter-intuitive, it is not unfamiliar – the resistance to exercise, to healthy eating, the propensity towards self-indulgence, to take the easy road – these are all familiar failings, we see in others around us and we see in ourselves. Why is it so hard to believe that the same principle applies in our spiritual lives too?!

Recorded on Sunday 19 February 2023.